Thursday, December 23, 2010

Lame Excuse

I am a firm believer
My good deeds in remission
Being nowhere at all times
Not at all deserted
Neither left behind
Yet seeking an excuse to die

My reason abandoned the ship
Yet the rats are still here
I am my own Goliath
Still missing the stone

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


your thumping presence
rushing through the veins
tendons stretched
throbbing fibres
until there is no more
and again
until there is no more
the noise
thrashing around the unbuttoned ribcage
agonizing memory strangled
by complacent embrace

The Great Silence

Fear has a perfect haircut

Behind my eyelids
On the other side of the skull
The swish of the Great Silence
Ready to fall asleep - like a cat
On my chest
To bite into my dreams
To grow into my bones
Treading softly during the day
Sneaky one

Plain Truths

Nothing lasts forever
You will have your piece of luck
Time is a perfect healer

Life is a little lizard
That makes you fade to black

Nothing lasts forever
But it always comes back
Time is a serial killer


Black stone in my pocket
Claws outstretched
Every time I close my eyes
Swoops down on its prey

Blue stone in my drawer
Like a pillow
Every time I try to reach it
Guardian in my head saying
Not now
They're not ready yet
Touch the purring softness
Give it some time

Death is a cat


Blue is for sanity
All particles armored
Trained to kill and to save
You can't have one without the other
It's too obvious to admit
Reason breaks through in the morning
You're always alone when you're asleep
Face to face with yourself
I am my own Goliath
Just missing the stone